How long does a motorcycle accident lawsuit take

If you are in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to seek medical help. Not only are some injuries not apparent at the scene, but adrenaline can decrease your ability to feel pain and your symptoms may worsen over time.

You should also collect evidence. If it’s safe to do so, take photos of your bike, the other vehicles involved in the crash, the surrounding area, any injuries, and anything else you think might be helpful. This evidence will be used to help build your case, so make sure you keep it in a folder or file.

In addition to proving negligence, your attorney will help you recover your damages. These include both economic and noneconomic damages, which can range from a dollar amount for lost wages or medical expenses to compensation for your grief and emotional distress. A skilled lawyer can also explain the nuances of these damages and advocate for maximum compensation.

Oftentimes, the insurance company for the at-fault party will try to deny your injuries or undervalue them. The insurer will also try to limit your recovery by not allowing you to move forward with treatment, or they may attempt to argue that you did not suffer as much as you claim. A qualified New York attorney can evaluate your case, fight the insurance company for you, and negotiate a fair settlement.

If the death of a loved one was caused by a crash, you can sue the liable parties for wrongful death. This can include the driver who struck your loved one and their employer’s insurance company, if they carry liability insurance. Wrongful death claims can also include the deceased’s family members. A Garden City wrongful death lawyer will guide you through this process and help ensure you meet all deadlines.

It’s difficult to navigate the legal system and insurance requirements alone, which is why you should work with a seasoned motorcycle accident lawsuit. An experienced lawyer can understand the special rules and issues that apply to these cases, and they can anticipate strategies insurance companies will use to avoid financial responsibility.

It’s important to choose an attorney with the resources needed to handle your case, including access to accident reconstructionists and medical experts. The firm you hire should also offer a contingency fee, which means that you don’t have to pay them upfront. Instead, they get paid a percentage of any money that you win in your case. This helps you to afford a top-notch attorney without putting yourself in debt. This is especially important when dealing with a large insurance company. They have the resources to invest in a high-quality legal team that will provide you with the best chance of winning your case. The law firm Finkelstein & Partners has extensive experience working with insurance companies and has helped many clients recover fair compensation for their losses. Contact us to schedule a free consultation. We are available 24/7 to discuss your case. We represent clients in New York, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island.

How long does a motorcycle accident lawsuit take